Why Yoga?

Because life is both challenging and incredibly beautiful. Because humans are complex and miraculous. And because the change you want but is scary, and you will doubt if you are worth it.

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The practice

Provides tools to manage the stresses. An opportunity to experience the beauty and a reminder that you are deserving and loved.

“But I can’t meditate”

We don’t meditate to become better meditators. We learn to sit to access the power that exists in the stillness

Beginning a yoga and meditation practice is easier than you may think and one of the most powerful tools we can possess.

Let’s design a unique practice just for you.

The Home Series

The world has changed and we need the practice more than ever. Join me for a seven week series from my home to yours

You will receive a pre-recorded restorative style yoga practice, a written article, journal prompts and more.

Our Home Series Rerelease is available now. Revisit some of your favorite series today.

Live and in person

We don't practice yoga to become something new or gain something we don't have. We practice to uncover the magnificence of who it is we are

Yoga is a practice rooted in the love for all beings with an aim to ease suffering. My work is to hold the space for you to remember what you already know.

Join us for in Studio Classes at White Aspen Creative